Das Tagebuch

American Dream
Das Wort zum Sonntag
Last time I saw you, you had dirt under your nails
Your eyes were glassy and you looked so pale
You said my life has become a livin' hell
Ain't got enough money to pay my bills

Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong

Got a friend with a needle stuck in his arm
He got hooked on heroin in Vietnam
It used to help kill the pain some of the time
Now I can't sleep at all since I got back home

Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong

I worked in the strip mines off and on
Now I can't seem to get rid of this cough
Ain't been many jobs these last few months
And the last one I had, I got laid off

Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong

I ain't got no hot water and they shut off the heat
Can you loan me some money for something to eat?
Been out here on this corner for about a week
Trying hard to stand on my own two feet

Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong

They want to try and tell me where I can live
They kicked me off my land a nd told me they'd give me
A nice little tract house with running water
But how am I gonna explain that to my Navajo mother?

Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong

My American dream almost came true
But the things they promised me never came through
I believe in the American dream
But things are never quite what they seem

Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong
Everything is wrong

(Lucinda Williams)

Am 8. März spielt sie mit ihrer Band in Köln. „Stories from a Rock’n’­Roll Heart“. Wer sie nicht kennt, sorry, hat im Leben was verpasst.
Is also keine hirnzersetzende Rummtata-Dödelmucke à la Helene F., auch kein postkarnevalistisches Heimat-Geschunkel wie Brings, Bläck Föös Höhner etc. oder gar Main­stream-Nerventöterei-Gedudel von Genesis bis Pur. (Obwohl, letzteres wär vielleicht mal 'n innovati­ves Forschungsprojekt zur Verbesserung der Welt und Rettung des Restverstandes), passt aber exakt zur Stimmung der Zeit.
Die Hütte ist bestuhlt, und man darf sich setzen. Wenn man will. Oder kann. Am Internationalen Frauentag. Ich bin gespannt. Man sieht sich.
„Rock, peace and Revolution! Thank you!“ wie sie am Ende zu sagen pflegt.
zum Tagebuch